Friday, March 28, 2008

I Am Not a Scientist

When I first started hearing about global warming, I didn't think too much about it. But with all the news coverage these days it can't be avoided by a thinking person.

Is global warming for real? Sure. On a recent trip back to my hometown we took a canoe trip down the Farmington River starting in the Simsbury area. The gentlemen who rented us the canoes told us once the glaciers had moved through that area and the flow of the river had changed. Inquisitive, I did some research and had found that glaciers have indeed covered the norther part of the United States. These glaciers have come and gone going through several cycles of thawing and growing.

If glaciers had covered Connecticut at one time wouldn't it make sense to say we have been in a global warming period for quite some time?

One of my theories in my next entry. Let me hear yours.

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